Get Your Cabinet Painting Price Today!

Written by

Calla Mitchell

Published on

September 30, 2022
Yellow Maple Kitchen After being painted

How to get a price on your cabinet painting project over the phone

We love painting kitchens! And anything else for that matter. If you are interested in a painting quote for your kitchen cabinets, vanities or banister rails we’d love to help. If you’re wondering how much a product might cost, we’re more than happy to provide an estimate, no in house visit required.

We can offer quotes over the phone, typically within 24 hours. All we need are pictures of your project. We will review the images and then book a time to connect. Sometimes we will have a few more questions, so it’s often good to be in the area you are having painted. Once we’ve chatted, we will give you a very close ballpark price right then and there.

Here’s how to take the pictures or video we will need to get you the most accurate quote possible!

For Cost of Painting Kitchen Cabinets.

Starting with the uppers on the left-hand side moving clockwise, pictures should be taken far enough back that they show a significant section of the cabinets. Move left to right taking as many as required to get the whole upper section. Do the same with the lower cabinets and around all sides of the island. Landmarks help! Being able to see the stove, sink or fridge helps to know how each section relates to the other. A few pictures from further back also helps get a sense of how each image relates to the other.

If you can get uppers and lowers in the same image, moving left to right, that works as well. Close up pictures are not required unless there is damage beyond normal wear and tear that you’d like us to know about.

For Cost of Painted Banister Rails.

For banister rails, start at the bottom and work your way up, taking pics of each section as you go. The more you can fit in a single shot the better so we can see how each section relates to the other. For close ups, show us the stairs and if there is carpet, how that intersects with the wood to be painted.

For Cost of Painted Bath Vanity Cabinets

A good landscape style (phone held sideways) is usually good. Again, a close up of any damage that is anything more than a scratch or dent would be helpful. Usually these can be in one picture unless the vanity is in two sections. Make sure you include medicine cabinets if you have any.

Thanks so much!  We look forward to helping you with your next project.